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3 Resolutions to Achieve Your Healthiest 2022 Smile

January 29, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_carter @ 6:15 am
new year's resolutions

For many of us, we just barely floated by during 2020 and 2021. The Covid-19 pandemic interrupted so many of our hopes, goals, and routines that many of our aspirations and plans have slipped through the cracks. For some people, this can include their health goals and resolutions. With hope rising for the new year, 2022 can move in a new direction. The first step is to create some New Year’s resolutions that tackle important factors like dental health. Here are 3 attainable and meaningful New Year’s resolutions to promote your healthiest smile in 2022.


Dieting & Dental Health: 3 Pointers to Save Your Smile

January 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_carter @ 5:46 am
woman eating salad

You just visited the city last week and felt compelled by Atlanta’s billboards featuring so many healthy and attractive people. You’ve decided that you’re ready to try on that look. By jumping on a brand new diet trend, you’ve joined an exciting community of health activists who are ready to get their bodies and minds back on track. However, many diet trends are actually detrimental to oral health. If you aren’t careful, you may find yourself with a mouth full of cavities and other unexpected consequences. Here are a few common issues related to popular diet trends and what you can do to limit your risks. 


The Different Parts of the Mouth and Their Functions

December 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_carter @ 1:25 am
Woman pointing to parts of the mouth

Your mouth has so much too it. All of the different parts work together for a variety of functions, and you use it every single day. You need your mouth to speak, breathe, eat, and digest food. Ultimately, the mouth is the gateway to the rest of your body, so it’s important to take care of it. Continue reading to learn about the different parts of your smile and what they do to contribute to your overall health and wellbeing.


4 Stocking Stuffers That Benefit Your Child’s Smile

December 9, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_carter @ 1:00 am
Child holding stocking

Now that the holidays are finally here, you are probably spending time stringing lights around your home, putting on your favorite holiday movies, and listening to festive music. However, with so many holiday treats sitting around, the last thing that your children need are a bunch of sugary stocking stuffers. Here are some tooth-friendly stocking stuffer suggestions that won’t leave your child with a mouthful of cavities in the new year.


5 Ways to Maximize Your Insurance Benefits

November 14, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_carter @ 4:03 pm
Man Stacking Coins on Seesaw with Tooth

If you don’t have a toothache or other pressing concern, it can be easy to forget about your dental insurance benefits. However, insurance is a monthly investment, so it makes sense to take advantage of your coverage while you can. Although the holidays are always a busy time of year, it’s not too late to schedule an appointment with your dentist in Lawrenceville. Here are five helpful tips to maximize your dental insurance benefits and save money.

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