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What Should I Ask Before a Smile Makeover?

September 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_carter @ 3:56 pm
A dentist in Lawrenceville seeing a patient

You should consider a smile makeover if you’re dealing with bad-looking teeth. It could give you pearly whites that are whiter, smoother, straighter, and more! That said, you’ll need to confirm beforehand whether the service is right for you. In particular, asking your cosmetic dentist in Lawrenceville key questions during the consultation would be a good idea. As for what to bring up, your local dental practice has some suggestions. Here are three things you should ask your dentist before getting a smile makeover.


How Often Should I Change My Toothbrush?

September 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_carter @ 2:39 pm
A toothbrush from a dentist in Lawrenceville

When it comes to oral care, most people know the so-called basics. Namely, you should brush your teeth twice daily, floss once daily, and rinse with mouthwash as needed. However, there’s more to good dental hygiene than just those things. Did you know you should often replace your toothbrush too? Your mouth will face long-term problems if you don’t. If you want to know more, your dentist in Lawrenceville can help. Read on to learn when and why to switch your toothbrush, including some tips for brush care.


4 Teeth-Cleaning Mistakes You Could Easily Make

August 17, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_carter @ 4:24 pm
A man brushing his teeth

Let’s say you take your oral hygiene pretty seriously. Whether it’s tooth decay or gum disease, you’re someone who wants to avoid harmful dental conditions. As such, you always brush your teeth daily to ensure a clean smile. However, your dentist still diagnoses you with oral health problems. How is this possible? Well, you could be making simple errors in your routine dental care. Find out for sure in this summary of four common teeth-cleaning mistakes from a dentist in Lawrenceville.


Boost Your Child’s Oral Health & Their Academic Performance

August 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_carter @ 3:15 pm
ALT image tag: A girl seeing a dentist in Lawrenceville

So, let’s say you want to give your kid a leg up in school. Your most apparent options include helping them finish homework, study for exams, understand coursework, and so on. However, you could also send them to their dentist in Lawrenceville. It turns out that oral health impacts academic success — for better or worse. Strong pearly whites translate to good grades, while bad dental hygiene leads to poor performance. Here’s a summary of the teeth-school link and some dental care tips sure to improve your child’s schoolwork.


4 Tips for Eating Your Favorite Summer Foods with Dental Implants

July 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_carter @ 7:06 pm
senior man and woman eating summer foods with dental implants

When you have dental implants, there aren’t really any “off-limits” foods like there are with dentures. Because implants are built exactly like natural teeth, you’ll be able to dig into all of your favorite foods with the same ease that you did before tooth loss. However, many classic summer foods can still pose a threat to your dental implants if you’re not careful. Here are four tips for protecting your smile this summer while enjoying the treats of the season!

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