Lawrenceville Oral Cancer Screening
There are numerous organizations dedicated to the prevention and treatment of cancers effecting various parts of the body, but for some reason, many people still believe that oral cancer only effects tobacco users. While smoking or chewing tobacco does increase your risk for oral cancer, it is only one of many risk factors, and 25% of people affected by oral cancer have no risk factors at all. This percentage even includes some children. That’s why the dental health care professionals at Transforming Smiles encourage patients of all ages to make regular visits to our office so Dr. Bruce E. Carter and his team can perform thorough oral cancer screenings. Call our Lawrenceville, GA practice to schedule your next visit today. Lawrenceville Oral Cancer Screening.
Oral Cancer Warning Signs
It’s important to understand what we mean when we say oral cancer. Patients frequently have small, benign tumors that can be removed or heal on their own. While these tumors can be indicative of potential oral cancer, more frequently they are not serious and can be easily treated. These tumors are especially prevalent in pregnant women. Caused by hormonal shifts during pregnancy, these lumps typically clear up shortly after the patient gives birth. The oral cancer we’re screening for is a malignant cancerous growth in the mouth or on the lips. Some warning signs of oral cancer include:
- A red or white sore or lump in the mouth, throat, or on the lips that does not clear up after a few days
- A feeling something is caught in your throat and does not dislodge
- Difficulty moving your jaw or tongue to chew, speak, or swallow
- Earache in one ear that does not affect hearing
- Numbness in any area of the mouth or throat
- Unexplained bleeding or pain in the mouth
Oral Cancer Prevention Tips from Your Lawrenceville Family Dentist
If you notice any of the warning signs of oral cancer, your first step should be calling Dr. Carter, your Lawrenceville family dentist. We’ll schedule an appointment to determine whether the symptoms you’re experiencing were caused by cancerous cells. At Transforming Smiles, we always emphasize prevention, and while oral cancer like most other types of cancer has no specific prevention methods, there are certain risky behaviors you can avoid to decrease your susceptibility to oral cancer. To prevent oral cancer keep in mind a few Do’s and Don’ts:
- Don’t use tobacco or drink excessive quantities of alcohol as most cases of oral cancer do occur in patients who use tobacco, alcohol or both.
- Do protect your lips from the sun by using SPF lip balm when you’re in the sun
- Do eat fruits and vegetables every day as the nutrients in fruits and vegetables help protect your body from cancerous cells
- Do visit Transforming Smiles every six months for your oral cancer screening
Call the Family Dentist Lawrenceville Relies On
Whatever your dental health care needs, let Dr. Carter and his dedicated team help you reach your smile goals today. Call to schedule an appointment with our friendly, Lawrenceville, GA family dentist. The conveniently located family dentist 30046 turns to welcomes patients from other communities in Gwinnett County, Atlanta, Duluth, Suwanee, and all nearby towns. We are your Lawrenceville Oral Cancer Screening Dentist!